Tools for developers to manage their responsibilities introduced by agile software development
Avikainen, Petri (2016-10-21)
Tools for developers to manage their responsibilities introduced by agile software development
Avikainen, Petri
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After the year 2001, when the Agile manifesto was published, the agile development
principles have been largely adopted and are taken for granted in modern
development process's. One of the most adopted of these principles is the Lean
Software Development published in 2003. These principles are largely adopted
from small start-ups to large global enterprises.
One aspect that the agile methodologies introduce is large amount of practices
and processes for developers to follow and handle. This rises the question of this
study: Has the developers' responsibilities increased, and does it introduce new
tools for developers to handle the responsibilities?
The First Chapter introduces the transformation of software business to Agile development
followed by the second Chapter where the main hypothesis is stated.
Third Chapter studies the Lean Software Development and articulates the responsibilities
introduced for the developers. Fourth Chapter presents the tools
for handling these responsibilities and Fifth Chapter conducts a survey to verify
these assumptions. The Chapter six concludes this thesis and rises possible future
In this study the Findings are that the Agile Development introduces responsibilities
for developers, but it stays unclear if the amount has drastically increased.
principles have been largely adopted and are taken for granted in modern
development process's. One of the most adopted of these principles is the Lean
Software Development published in 2003. These principles are largely adopted
from small start-ups to large global enterprises.
One aspect that the agile methodologies introduce is large amount of practices
and processes for developers to follow and handle. This rises the question of this
study: Has the developers' responsibilities increased, and does it introduce new
tools for developers to handle the responsibilities?
The First Chapter introduces the transformation of software business to Agile development
followed by the second Chapter where the main hypothesis is stated.
Third Chapter studies the Lean Software Development and articulates the responsibilities
introduced for the developers. Fourth Chapter presents the tools
for handling these responsibilities and Fifth Chapter conducts a survey to verify
these assumptions. The Chapter six concludes this thesis and rises possible future
In this study the Findings are that the Agile Development introduces responsibilities
for developers, but it stays unclear if the amount has drastically increased.