Early Fecal Microbiota Composition in Children Who Later Develop Celiac Disease and Associated Autoimmunity
Riikonen, Iiris (2019-01-26)
Early Fecal Microbiota Composition in Children Who Later Develop Celiac Disease and Associated Autoimmunity
Riikonen, Iiris
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Several studies have reported that composition of the intestinal microbiota in celiac disease
(CD) patients differs from healthy individuals. The possible role of gut microbiota in the
pathogenesis of the disease is, however, not known. Here, we aimed to assess the possible
differences in early fecal microbiota composition between children that later developed CD
and healthy controls matched for age, sex and HLA risk genotype.
We used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to examine the fecal microbiota of 27 children with high
genetic risk of developing CD. Nine of these children developed the disease by the age of 4
years. Stool samples were collected at the age of 9 and 12 months, before any of the children
had developed CD. The fecal microbiota composition of children who later developed the
disease was compared with the microbiota of the children who did not have CD or associated
autoantibodies at the age of 4 years. Delivery mode, early nutrition, and use of antibiotics
were taken into account in the analyses.
No statistically significant differences in the fecal microbiota composition were found
between children who later developed CD (n = 9) and the control children without disease or
associated autoantibodies (n = 18). Based on our results, the fecal microbiota composition at
the age of 9 and 12 months is not associated with the development of CD. Our results,
however, do not exclude the possibility of duodenal microbiota changes or a later microbiotarelated
trigger for the disease.
(CD) patients differs from healthy individuals. The possible role of gut microbiota in the
pathogenesis of the disease is, however, not known. Here, we aimed to assess the possible
differences in early fecal microbiota composition between children that later developed CD
and healthy controls matched for age, sex and HLA risk genotype.
We used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to examine the fecal microbiota of 27 children with high
genetic risk of developing CD. Nine of these children developed the disease by the age of 4
years. Stool samples were collected at the age of 9 and 12 months, before any of the children
had developed CD. The fecal microbiota composition of children who later developed the
disease was compared with the microbiota of the children who did not have CD or associated
autoantibodies at the age of 4 years. Delivery mode, early nutrition, and use of antibiotics
were taken into account in the analyses.
No statistically significant differences in the fecal microbiota composition were found
between children who later developed CD (n = 9) and the control children without disease or
associated autoantibodies (n = 18). Based on our results, the fecal microbiota composition at
the age of 9 and 12 months is not associated with the development of CD. Our results,
however, do not exclude the possibility of duodenal microbiota changes or a later microbiotarelated
trigger for the disease.