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Aineistot 341-360 / 43304
Child brain development: exploring prenatal impacts and emotional perception through advanced neuroimaging – Findings from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort MRI Study
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D: Medica - Odontologica : 1815 (Turun yliopisto, 13.09.2024)The amygdala, a key player in emotional processing, undergoes rapid growth and development prenatally and in infancy. Environmental factors, such as prenatal maternal depressive symptoms, can alter the structure of the ... -
Magnetic resonance imaging in paediatric spinal trauma – retrospective analysis of feasibility, safety, and diagnostic value in the emergency department
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser D: Medica - Odontologica : 1801 (Turun yliopisto, 18.10.2024)Paediatric spinal trauma is a relatively uncommon but challenging entity in the emergency department. Despite the algorithms aiming to exclude spinal trauma based on symptoms and physical examination, medical imaging is ... -
Novel bone SPECT-CT methods – Optimization and validation for imaging bone metastases
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser D: Medica - Odontologica : 1807 (Turun yliopisto, 27.09.2024)Bone single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) combined with X-ray computed tomography (SPECT-CT) is expected to replace planar bone scintigraphy (BS) as the routine method for imaging bone metastases. In preparation ... -
Genome-wide mapping of insertion sites essential for propagation of coxsackievirus A9
(17.07.2024)Mutagenesis is crucial for understanding and harnessing genetic variation, providing a basis for evolutionary biology and experimental gene function studies. This thesis addresses the MuA transposase system, an effective ...avoin -
Integrin mediated regulation of apicobasal polarity, cell states and cancer progression
Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis F: Technica & Informatica : 44 (Turun yliopisto, 23.09.2024)Integrins regulate cell adhesion, migration and architecture which play a role both in development of healthy tissues and disease. While integrins have been widely studied amongst models, the way their availability acts ... -
Pelaajien määräaikaisten työsuhteiden ja niiden ketjuttamisen perustelu
(16.07.2024)Tutkielman aiheena on pelaajien määräaikaisten työsuhteiden ja niiden ketjuttamisen perusteltavuus. Tutkimus rajautuu kansalliselle tasolle ja ammattimaisten joukkuelajien pelaajien sekä urheiluseurojen välille työsopimuslain ...avoin -
Functional characterization of coxsackievirus A9- eGFP vector
(30.07.2024)Picornaviruses are small, single-stranded, positive-sense, and non-enveloped RNA viruses, that cause various diseases in humans and mammals. More than 300 human picornavirus types are identified as responsible for diseases ...avoin -
NEET-nuorten kokemuksia työvoimapalveluista, sosiaalitoimesta ja Kelasta
(03.09.2024)Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkitaan NEET-nuorten kokemuksia työvoimapalveluista, sosiaalitoimesta ja Kelasta. Nuorten kokemuksia on tärkeä kuulla, jotta palveluja ja nuoria koskettavaa työllistämispolitiikkaa ...suljettu -
Interaction of source credibility and readers’ prior beliefs in the sourcing and validation of social media posts
(02.09.2024)Prior research has shown that readers’ prior beliefs can influence how they process and use source information during reading (sourcing), and that source credibility and readers’ prior beliefs can be jointly considered in ...avoin -
Aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi opettajien mielipidekirjoituksista Helsingin Sanomissa vuosina 2020 ja 2022
(05.09.2024)Koronapandemian alku vuonna 2020 elää monien muistoissa edelleen. Kouluun liittyvät ilmiöt saivat paljon huomiota osakseen poikkeusolojen aikana ja niiden jälkeen. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa tutkitaan, minkälaisia ...suljettu -
Knowledge transfer in Big Science : What benefits can be gained and how?
(04.09.2024)Knowledge transfer is gaining bigger and bigger emphasis in the context of Big Science. It is quick way for them to show their relevance to society in this moment because it may take decades before the pure research results ...avoin -
Effect of Cold on Renal Metabolism in Adult Humans: Perspective in Relation to Obesity.
(14.08.2024)Background/Purpose: The development of obesity predisposes humans to severe metabolic implications like type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, etc. Brown adipose tissue (BAT), the body’s thermogenic fat, has recently ...suljettu -
Exploring the Representation and Implementation of Sustainable Development in Finnish Universities' Strategies
(05.08.2024)This study investigates how Finnish universities represent and conceptualize sustainable development in their strategic documents. The research focuses on eight classical research universities in Finland, analyzing their ...suljettu -
Short-term value growth of the acquirer in strategic M&A: Evidence from NASDAQ Helsinki
(30.08.2024)Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are important and common strategies used by companies to e.g. enhance market power, expand product offerings and achieve operational efficiencies. They are crucial mechanisms for corporate ...suljettu -
Triple threat - IP protection of classic fashion designs : A look into the pros and cons of overlapping intellectual property rights
(07.08.2024)The subject of this Master’s thesis is overlapping intellectual property rights in relation to protecting classic fashion designs. The thesis examines three IP methods: copyright, design rights and trademarks, and how ...suljettu -
Development of Antibodies for Cyanobacterial Neurotoxin: Anatoxin-a
(01.08.2024)Anatoxin-a is a neurotoxin produced by certain cyanobacteria in water bodies worldwide. It may cause neurological symptoms in animals and humans when ingested and several deaths in animals and livestock have been reported ...suljettu -
Fostering future teacher well-being : A participatory investigation in South Africa
(28.06.2024)Teachers are under pressure. Alarming global teacher attrition rates highlight the numerous stresses that teachers face at present, and new ideas and images of the future of education are emerging and being advocated for. ...avoin -
Deciphering the initiation mechanism of Yersinia outer protein secretion
(07.08.2024)Bacteria have evolved intricate secretion systems to enhance pathogenicity and survival, with the Type III Secretion System (T3SS) being a key virulence factor in many pathogens. This thesis investigates the binding ...suljettu -
Videopelaamisen yhteys mielenterveyteen: yleisimmät mielenterveyden ongelmat ja positiivinen mielenterveys videopelaajilla
(13.08.2024)Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää videopelaamisen yhteyksiä mielenterveyteen. Koska mielenterveys on laaja käsite, tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin yleisimpiä mielenterveyden häiriöitä masentuneisuutta ja ahdistuneisuutta ...avoin -
(09.08.2024)Given the central role that scientific innovation and technological advancements play in driving social changes and economic developments, it is essential to understand how to leverage the benefits of innovations effectively ...avoin