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How to increase brand quality perception with audiovisual content? : Exploring the role of emotions in B2C and B2B contexts

Iisalo, Laura (2014-10-30)

dc.contributorTurun yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu, Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta, International Business
dc.contributor.authorIisalo, Laura
dc.description.abstractThis study discusses how audiovisual content can influence brand quality perceptions. The purpose of this study is to explore how audiovisual content creation can increase brand quality perceptions. This research problem is addressed with three sub questions, which aim at clarifying the role of emotions between content marketing and brand quality perception, explaining how different functions of audiovisual content can increase brand quality perception, and by identifying and comparing the key differences in content creation in business-to-consumer and business-to-businesscontexts. The theoretical background of the study is in brand personality, consumer emotions, consumerbrand relationships, content marketing and B2B branding literature. The empirical research part includes a single-case study. The case company was a Swiss startup that wished to build a highquality brand for both B2C and B2B segments. The empirical data was collected in September 2014. Eight interviews were conducted; seven with target segment representatives and one with an existing customer of the case company. The empirical findings were analyzed with thematic analysis and finally a 5-stage framework was created based on the findings of the research, offering a guideline for high-quality content creation. This study finds that emotions play an important role in brand quality perceptions. Psychological processes, emotion, cognition and conation, influence the engagement process of the target segment which ultimately can lead to activation and electronic word-of-mouth. Brand quality perception is the result of the overall emotion of the brand. The overall emotion derives from brand personality, brand concept, product attributes and utilitarian benefits of the brand. The entertaining and educational functions of the audiovisual content can target and evoke these emotional processes, and result in increased quality perceptions. In the B2B context, emotions are found to play a relatively smaller role in the quality perception processes. However, the significance of emotions cannot be ignored, since they can emphasize the value for the buying organization, and build on the trust and loyalty among the potential customers. The final framework presents five stages of content creation that ultimately improve brand quality perceptions. These stages help marketers to design and implement their content and evoke positive emotions in their target segment as part of a quality-based marketing strategy. Further research is warranted to quantitatively test the generalizability of the framework. Further research is also suggested to make the framework adaptable to different stages of the brand life cycle.
dc.titleHow to increase brand quality perception with audiovisual content? : Exploring the role of emotions in B2C and B2B contexts-
dc.type.ontasotfi=Pro gradu -tutkielma|en=Master's thesis|
dc.description.notificationsiirretty Doriasta
dc.contributor.facultyfi=Turun kauppakorkeakoulu|en=Turku School of Economics|
dc.contributor.studysubjectfi=Kansainvälinen liiketoiminta|en=International Business|
dc.contributor.departmentfi=Markkinoinnin ja kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan laitos|en=Department of Marketing and International Business|

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  • Opinnäytetöiden tiivistelmät (ei kokotekstiä) [6013]
    fi=Tämän kokoelman teoksista on saatavana vain tiivistelmä. Teoksen tekijä ei ole antanut lupaa kokotekstin julkaisemiseen. Työn paperisiin kappaleisiin on mahdollista tutustua Turun yliopiston kirjastossa.|en=This collection contains abstracts of theses accepted at the University Turku. Author of the thesis has not allowed that fulltext of thesis is published. A paper copy of the thesis is at the University of Turku library where it can be read.|

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