Problems in using foresight methods in consultancy projects: A case study conducted in a Finnish consulting company
Viima, Taina (2016-12-13)
Problems in using foresight methods in consultancy projects: A case study conducted in a Finnish consulting company
Viima, Taina
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There has been a growing interest towards futures studies and foresight in companies in different sectors. As companies often use external consultants to provide professional advisory services, there should be a wide knowledge on foresight among the consultants. In this instrumental case study, a specific case is examined to provide insight into the issue of consulting companies using foresight methods.
This dissertation focuses on investigating how a small Finnish management consulting company does foresight for its clients and what kinds of challenges occur. This was achieved through a qualitative case study where the answer to the research problem was collected from various sources. The main methods were interviews and field observations.
This research generated two key findings. The problems are (1) uncertainty in examining trends and megatrends and (2) dissatisfaction with futures workshops results. The consultants in the case company lack tools for recognizing the trends that are relevant to their customers and they feel that they use too much intuition in that work. Their futures workshops are very memorable with impressive arrangements. However, the workshops do not meet the expectations of the case company as the participants tend to concentrate on practical, current everyday issues instead of future.
The main conclusions drawn from this case study were that there are things to be developed in the futures work of the case company. Besides intuition, the consultants need analytics and knowledge to understand how trends affect their client companies. When it comes to futures workshops, they should consider if the purpose is entertaining the participants or to make them think about their company’s future.
This dissertation focuses on investigating how a small Finnish management consulting company does foresight for its clients and what kinds of challenges occur. This was achieved through a qualitative case study where the answer to the research problem was collected from various sources. The main methods were interviews and field observations.
This research generated two key findings. The problems are (1) uncertainty in examining trends and megatrends and (2) dissatisfaction with futures workshops results. The consultants in the case company lack tools for recognizing the trends that are relevant to their customers and they feel that they use too much intuition in that work. Their futures workshops are very memorable with impressive arrangements. However, the workshops do not meet the expectations of the case company as the participants tend to concentrate on practical, current everyday issues instead of future.
The main conclusions drawn from this case study were that there are things to be developed in the futures work of the case company. Besides intuition, the consultants need analytics and knowledge to understand how trends affect their client companies. When it comes to futures workshops, they should consider if the purpose is entertaining the participants or to make them think about their company’s future.