Knowledge visualization : A support tool during idea generation of innovation projects
Romman, James (2018-04-17)
Knowledge visualization : A support tool during idea generation of innovation projects
Romman, James
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The process of idea generation in innovation projects require structure and flexibility at the same time. The innovation projects in organizations are under financial and timeline constraints. That is why it is important to use a tool which can support in this context. A challenge when selecting a tool is to understand that it does not limit creativity, flexibility but keep the required structure in order. There are models and frameworks available on innovation process and visualization separately but there is very little discussion available which combines the two domains. This study includes a knowledge visualization model and other supporting resources to justify the significance of knowledge visualization in dealing the abstractness and newness aspect in the idea generation phase.
The research purpose of the study is to find out how knowledge visualization can support in meeting the challenges in the idea generation phase of an innovation process. The methodological approach utilized in the study is completely conceptual without empirical aspects. The empirical aspects are suggested for future research to further strengthen the case. The research purpose can be achieved through answering the following two sub-questions
1. What are the challenges in idea generation phase of an innovation process?
2. How helpful knowledge visualization is in acting as a communication mediator?
The main theoretical contribution of the study is encapsulated in a proposed framework. It is designed in a way that each challenge in the idea generation is addressed by the benefits provided by knowledge visualization. Knowledge visualization used in the study is a good way to instigate creative thinking, freedom, mutual understanding, collaboration and faster decision making. Organizations involved in designing incremental or radical innovations go through idea generation phases and the current study can help in providing valuable insights and conceptual understanding on the matter. which can be utilized by project managers, innovation managers and project teams.
The research purpose of the study is to find out how knowledge visualization can support in meeting the challenges in the idea generation phase of an innovation process. The methodological approach utilized in the study is completely conceptual without empirical aspects. The empirical aspects are suggested for future research to further strengthen the case. The research purpose can be achieved through answering the following two sub-questions
1. What are the challenges in idea generation phase of an innovation process?
2. How helpful knowledge visualization is in acting as a communication mediator?
The main theoretical contribution of the study is encapsulated in a proposed framework. It is designed in a way that each challenge in the idea generation is addressed by the benefits provided by knowledge visualization. Knowledge visualization used in the study is a good way to instigate creative thinking, freedom, mutual understanding, collaboration and faster decision making. Organizations involved in designing incremental or radical innovations go through idea generation phases and the current study can help in providing valuable insights and conceptual understanding on the matter. which can be utilized by project managers, innovation managers and project teams.