Building an internal web-based project management tool : Case Poutapilvi Oy
Oja-Nisula, Miikka (2018-07-10)
Building an internal web-based project management tool : Case Poutapilvi Oy
Oja-Nisula, Miikka
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Project management has been a concept for less than 100 years. Yet in today’s world it is something that nearly all companies do and have to do in order to compete with others. This is largerly because working smart instead of hard is much more important now than ever. Scheduling and planning is the key to working smart and project management is a very important part of this.
Today project management is done with computer software and more and more of
these software are web applications. This thesis takes a look into the process of a small company building its own customer support system and project management tool as an integrated web application. This was done because the previously used product did not satisfy the needs of the company. The web application was built on top of two frameworks: Highland, which is made by the company itself for server-side processing, and Ember.js, which is an open-source framework for client-side processing.
The built web application mostly fulfills the requirements set for it, although the
application still lacks some of the planned features. In hindsight, most of the risks related to using our own framework came true. Partly because of this, building the application has taken more time than was estimated. Nevertheless, the web application has synergy benefits, features and growth potential not available in any product in the market.
Today project management is done with computer software and more and more of
these software are web applications. This thesis takes a look into the process of a small company building its own customer support system and project management tool as an integrated web application. This was done because the previously used product did not satisfy the needs of the company. The web application was built on top of two frameworks: Highland, which is made by the company itself for server-side processing, and Ember.js, which is an open-source framework for client-side processing.
The built web application mostly fulfills the requirements set for it, although the
application still lacks some of the planned features. In hindsight, most of the risks related to using our own framework came true. Partly because of this, building the application has taken more time than was estimated. Nevertheless, the web application has synergy benefits, features and growth potential not available in any product in the market.