Map-based Exercises in ViLLE Virtual Learning Environment
Lehtinen, Esko (2018-07-10)
Map-based Exercises in ViLLE Virtual Learning Environment
Lehtinen, Esko
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The aim of this master’s thesis is to identify the elements of a virtual learning exercise that uses geospatial data. ViLLE virtual learning environment as the learning environment and Oskari Map Application as the map platform were selected to be used in this thesis. The map-based learning can be applicable in all levels of education but this thesis focuses on higher education and in the subject of geography. The concepts of virtual learning environments and geographic information systems (GIS) are described.
The earlier literature of geographic information systems (GIS) being used in education is reviewed. Based on the earlier literature and the technical requirements of ViLLE virtual learning environment the elements of the learning exercise were formulated. The learning exerices that uses geospatial data consist of an interactive map, an editor for the teacher, a view for the student to complete the exercise, and a method to save and view the students’ submissions. The formulated elements were validated by implementing a map-based exercise type in ViLLE virtual learning environment by integrating it with Oskari Map Application.
The earlier literature of geographic information systems (GIS) being used in education is reviewed. Based on the earlier literature and the technical requirements of ViLLE virtual learning environment the elements of the learning exercise were formulated. The learning exerices that uses geospatial data consist of an interactive map, an editor for the teacher, a view for the student to complete the exercise, and a method to save and view the students’ submissions. The formulated elements were validated by implementing a map-based exercise type in ViLLE virtual learning environment by integrating it with Oskari Map Application.