Internet of Things Real-Time Data Processing Capabilities of Microsoft Azure
Pihl, Sauli (2018-08-13)
Internet of Things Real-Time Data Processing Capabilities of Microsoft Azure
Pihl, Sauli
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This thesis analyzes the capabilities of Microsoft Azure and its Internet of Things (IoT) platform. Microsoft Azure has a service called Microsoft Azure IoT Hub which is analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The analysis is also done for the IoT services of Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud so that they can be compared with Microsoft Azure IoT Hub.
The qualitative analysis examines the scalability, interoperability, availability and maintainability of the IoT platforms. A piece of software was built to find out how fast the different cloud computing platforms process IoT data. The quantitative analysis takes into account the results of the test software to find out how reliable and fast the IoT platforms are in message processing. In addition, the cost effectiveness of the different IoT services is discussed.
The qualitative and quantitative analyses suggest that the IoT platform of Microsoft Azure is at least as good service as the other IoT service from the other cloud computing platforms. It performs as well as the other cloud computing platforms in most of the areas that are looked into in this thesis. The reliability of the data and the message processing are the only areas in which Microsoft Azure IoT Hub appears to not perform as well as the other IoT platforms, but Microsoft Azure IoT Hub is the most cost-efficient service.
The qualitative analysis examines the scalability, interoperability, availability and maintainability of the IoT platforms. A piece of software was built to find out how fast the different cloud computing platforms process IoT data. The quantitative analysis takes into account the results of the test software to find out how reliable and fast the IoT platforms are in message processing. In addition, the cost effectiveness of the different IoT services is discussed.
The qualitative and quantitative analyses suggest that the IoT platform of Microsoft Azure is at least as good service as the other IoT service from the other cloud computing platforms. It performs as well as the other cloud computing platforms in most of the areas that are looked into in this thesis. The reliability of the data and the message processing are the only areas in which Microsoft Azure IoT Hub appears to not perform as well as the other IoT platforms, but Microsoft Azure IoT Hub is the most cost-efficient service.