Common interface to remotely control video cameras from different vendors
Vahtera, Teemu (2018-08-13)
Common interface to remotely control video cameras from different vendors
Vahtera, Teemu
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Nowadays, there are dozens of different video camera manufacturers and countless
models. Some of these vendors have controlling methods to control the cameras from a
distance. Even an average user probably owns cameras from different vendors and thus
might also have two different controlling schemes at hand.
This thesis is based on an assumption that two different camera controlling methods
can be used together with an integration solution. The target audience is those who
have a need to use cameras from different vendors and are interested in synchronizing
the controlling for easier post production. The thesis presents a review on some camera
vendors and their wireless remote control applications at referenced time. The selected
vendors, Panasonic and GoPro, and research environment setup of a KALI2.0 and
Windows7 virtual machines with two WiFi adapters are introduced.
The first part of the thesis’ empirical study focuses on solving the Panasonic Image
App controlling protocol by exploring the contents of a Android application package.
Final output is a way to control the Panasonic camera with a list of recognized commands
and an emulation script for Panasonic Image App. The second part of the empirical study
presents the investigation and solving of GoPro RC controlling scheme. The functionality
of both a GoPro RC and a camera are researched through WiFi traffic analysis and then
emulated. The study provides emulation scripts for both the RC and the camera to
validate the discovered controlling scheme.
When the controlling schemes of both cameras are understood and the emulation
scripts are created, an integration solution is created. The solution is a proof of a concept
in a form of a Python script with the help of two different WiFi-adapters. In addition,
the thesis details some further work and describes few ways how the proof of concept
solution could be made more complete and utilized further. Also an possible issue of
security of the controlling schemes is introduced.
models. Some of these vendors have controlling methods to control the cameras from a
distance. Even an average user probably owns cameras from different vendors and thus
might also have two different controlling schemes at hand.
This thesis is based on an assumption that two different camera controlling methods
can be used together with an integration solution. The target audience is those who
have a need to use cameras from different vendors and are interested in synchronizing
the controlling for easier post production. The thesis presents a review on some camera
vendors and their wireless remote control applications at referenced time. The selected
vendors, Panasonic and GoPro, and research environment setup of a KALI2.0 and
Windows7 virtual machines with two WiFi adapters are introduced.
The first part of the thesis’ empirical study focuses on solving the Panasonic Image
App controlling protocol by exploring the contents of a Android application package.
Final output is a way to control the Panasonic camera with a list of recognized commands
and an emulation script for Panasonic Image App. The second part of the empirical study
presents the investigation and solving of GoPro RC controlling scheme. The functionality
of both a GoPro RC and a camera are researched through WiFi traffic analysis and then
emulated. The study provides emulation scripts for both the RC and the camera to
validate the discovered controlling scheme.
When the controlling schemes of both cameras are understood and the emulation
scripts are created, an integration solution is created. The solution is a proof of a concept
in a form of a Python script with the help of two different WiFi-adapters. In addition,
the thesis details some further work and describes few ways how the proof of concept
solution could be made more complete and utilized further. Also an possible issue of
security of the controlling schemes is introduced.