Account managers’ emotions in the cross-border acquisition : A single case study on a technology sector
Friman, Anton (2018-10-03)
Account managers’ emotions in the cross-border acquisition : A single case study on a technology sector
Friman, Anton
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This study discusses causes and emotions that account managers experience during the cross-border acquisition. The purpose of the study is to describe emotions account managers experience during the cross-border acquisition process in the acquired company in a technology sector by through two sub-questions: How do the account managers experience the cross-border acquisition? What causes the emotions?
This study is conducted as a qualitative case study. The theoretical background of the study
consists of previous literature. The empirical research for the study was conducted by semi-structured theme interviews. The interview data was collected in December 2017. Three interviews in total were conducted with employees from the case company whose role was similar to the definition of an account manager. Interview data was transcribed and organized according to the interview themes. Data was then interpreted by thematic analysis and thematic networks were built to support the analysis process. In addition, secondary data was used in order to build a timeline of the acquisition and to build coherent understanding about the acquisition process.
This study finds that account managers’ emotions are caused by different reasons such as uncertainty, the change of roles, and lack of information. In addition, account managers also receive feedback from customers and worry for customer-relationships during the acquisition. Account managers experience various emotions such as frustration, anger, joy, and fear. Appraisals are found to explain the differing emotions during the acquisition process. Study was able to find three factors which influence appraisals: Length of the career in the acquired company, available information about the acquisition and future opportunities, and previous experiences.
This study indicates that account managers experience similar emotions as other employees during the precombination and combination phases in an acquisition. Emotions are caused by similar factors as seen in previous studies but customer-relationship was recognized as a new cause for emotions. Study suggests that individual appraisals explain the variation in the emotions and their strength. This study extends our understanding on the important role of emotions in the acquisition and suggests that managers should focus on account managers’ emotions during the acquisition to decrease the negative outcomes of the acquisition. Future research is, however, required to increase the generalizability of the findings and to better understand the role of appraisals in an acquisition.
This study is conducted as a qualitative case study. The theoretical background of the study
consists of previous literature. The empirical research for the study was conducted by semi-structured theme interviews. The interview data was collected in December 2017. Three interviews in total were conducted with employees from the case company whose role was similar to the definition of an account manager. Interview data was transcribed and organized according to the interview themes. Data was then interpreted by thematic analysis and thematic networks were built to support the analysis process. In addition, secondary data was used in order to build a timeline of the acquisition and to build coherent understanding about the acquisition process.
This study finds that account managers’ emotions are caused by different reasons such as uncertainty, the change of roles, and lack of information. In addition, account managers also receive feedback from customers and worry for customer-relationships during the acquisition. Account managers experience various emotions such as frustration, anger, joy, and fear. Appraisals are found to explain the differing emotions during the acquisition process. Study was able to find three factors which influence appraisals: Length of the career in the acquired company, available information about the acquisition and future opportunities, and previous experiences.
This study indicates that account managers experience similar emotions as other employees during the precombination and combination phases in an acquisition. Emotions are caused by similar factors as seen in previous studies but customer-relationship was recognized as a new cause for emotions. Study suggests that individual appraisals explain the variation in the emotions and their strength. This study extends our understanding on the important role of emotions in the acquisition and suggests that managers should focus on account managers’ emotions during the acquisition to decrease the negative outcomes of the acquisition. Future research is, however, required to increase the generalizability of the findings and to better understand the role of appraisals in an acquisition.