Säveltäjä-klarinetisti Bernhard Crusellin ammatillinen toiminta ja vuorovaikutus Ruotsissa 1795–1833
Palkisto, Janne (2022-01-15)
Säveltäjä-klarinetisti Bernhard Crusellin ammatillinen toiminta ja vuorovaikutus Ruotsissa 1795–1833
Palkisto, Janne
Turun yliopisto
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Tämä kulttuurihistorian alaan kuuluva väitöskirja tutkii Uudessakaupungissa syntyneen säveltäjä-klarinetisti Bernhard Crusellin (1775–1838) ammatillista toimintaa ja vuorovaikutusta Ruotsissa vuodesta 1795 vuoteen 1833. Vaikka Crusell ja hänen musiikkinsa ovat jatkuvasti esillä länsimaisen taidemusiikin vaikutusalueilla, laajempaa systemaattista biografista tutkimusta Crusellista ei tähän mennessä ole tehty. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta tietoa Crusellin elämästä ja ymmärtää hänen toimintaansa perusteellisemmin osana kulttuurihistoriaa. Tutkimuksen pääkysymys on miten säveltäjä-klarinetisti Bernhard Crusell muokkasi ammatillista toimintaansa ympäristöönsä ilmaantuneissa muutostilanteissa vuosina 1795–1833. Crusellin elämä osuu historian vaiheeseen, jolloin esiintyvän muusikon ja säveltäjän ammattikuva sekä toimintaympäristö olivat voimakkaassa muutoksessa. Crusell näytti omaksuneen muusikon uuden ammattikuvan vaatimukset, kuten korkeimman mahdollisen soittotaidon, uusimman sävellystaidon, verkostoitumisen muuhun yhteiskuntaan sekä hyväntekeväisyyden harjoittamisen. Hän käytti ammattitaitoaan kokonaisvaltaisesti ja oli jatkuvasti valmis muokkaamaan työnkuvaansa. Rakentamalla konserttielämän käytänteitä, koulutusjärjestelmää ja hyväntekeväisyyttä sekä vahvistamalla musiikin merkitystä muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa Crusell näyttäytyy merkittävänä ja muuntautumiskykyisenä toimijana, jonka vaikutus ulottuu meidän päiviimme saakka. Artikkelimuotoinen väitöskirja koostuu tutkimuskohdetta, metodologiaa ja aineistoa esittelevästä johdantoluvusta sekä neljästä osatutkimuksesta (Artikkelit I–IV). Pääasiallisena aineistona ovat Crusellin kirjoittamat omaelämäkerrat, kirjeet, matkapäiväkirjat ja aikakauden sanomalehdet. Keskeisenä metodologiana ovat elämäkertatutkimus ja musiikin kulttuurihistoria Composer and clarinettist Bernhard Crusell’s (1775–1838) professional activity and interactions in Sweden from 1795 to 1833
This doctoral dissertation, which belongs to the field of cultural history, examines the professional activity and interactions of composer and clarinettist Bernhard Crusell (1775–1838) in Sweden from 1795 to 1833. Crusell was born in Uusikaupunki, Finland, and although he and his music feature prominently throughout the western musical world, a broader systematic biographical study of his life has not been undertaken to date. The aim of this research is to bring to light new knowledge about Crusell’s life and to understand his professional activities more deeply as a part of cultural history. Crusell lived during a time when the social environment and the requirements for working as a professional musician were undergoing drastic change. The main research question of this study is how Bernhard Crusell modified his professional activity in response to the changes that were appearing in his professional and social environment during the period 1795–1833. Crusell seems to have embraced the new demands required for working as a professional musician, such as consummate performance skills, the latest composition techniques, networking within society, and engaging in charity work. His musical ability had an all-pervasive aspect and he was always ready to modify his output as a musician. By creating concert practices together with engaging in charity work and strengthening the role of music in a changing society, Crusell appears to have been a significant and versatile figure always capable of adapting to new challenges, and his influence continues to be felt even in the present times. This article-based doctoral dissertation consists of an introductory chapter presenting the research topic, methodology and material, as well as four research articles (Articles I–IV). The main background materials used in this research include Crusell’s autobiographies, letters and travel diaries he wrote, as well as newspaper articles and concert reviews. The key methodology is based on biographical research and the cultural history of music. In the research articles, the material is also examined using a microhistory approach and cultural music analysis.
This doctoral dissertation, which belongs to the field of cultural history, examines the professional activity and interactions of composer and clarinettist Bernhard Crusell (1775–1838) in Sweden from 1795 to 1833. Crusell was born in Uusikaupunki, Finland, and although he and his music feature prominently throughout the western musical world, a broader systematic biographical study of his life has not been undertaken to date. The aim of this research is to bring to light new knowledge about Crusell’s life and to understand his professional activities more deeply as a part of cultural history. Crusell lived during a time when the social environment and the requirements for working as a professional musician were undergoing drastic change. The main research question of this study is how Bernhard Crusell modified his professional activity in response to the changes that were appearing in his professional and social environment during the period 1795–1833. Crusell seems to have embraced the new demands required for working as a professional musician, such as consummate performance skills, the latest composition techniques, networking within society, and engaging in charity work. His musical ability had an all-pervasive aspect and he was always ready to modify his output as a musician. By creating concert practices together with engaging in charity work and strengthening the role of music in a changing society, Crusell appears to have been a significant and versatile figure always capable of adapting to new challenges, and his influence continues to be felt even in the present times. This article-based doctoral dissertation consists of an introductory chapter presenting the research topic, methodology and material, as well as four research articles (Articles I–IV). The main background materials used in this research include Crusell’s autobiographies, letters and travel diaries he wrote, as well as newspaper articles and concert reviews. The key methodology is based on biographical research and the cultural history of music. In the research articles, the material is also examined using a microhistory approach and cultural music analysis.
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