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Boosting Smart Place-Brand Engagement – University as a Strategic Facilitator (Abstract of the 30th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2022)
<p>Stakeholders play a significant role in developing brand identity (Førde 2016; Wallpach et al.,2017). Therefore, it seems logical to view branding as a process uniting the views and aspirations of place-related stakeholders ... -
Monitoring the monitors: a demystifying gaze at algorithmic prophecies in policing
<p>Predictive policing lies at the intersection of a diachronic paradox between the innovativeness of algorithmic prediction and its selective application to archetypes of conventional criminology. Centring on the Italian ... -
Singlet oxygen production by photosystem II is caused by misses of the oxygen evolving complex
Singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) is a harmful species that functions also as a signaling molecule. In chloroplasts, O-1(2) is produced via charge recombination reactions in photosystem II, but which recombination pathway(s) produce ... -
The SNARE protein Vti1b is recruited to the sites of BCR activation but is redundant for antigen internalisation, processing and presentation
In order to fulfil the special requirements of antigen-specific activation and communication with other immune cells, B lymphocytes require finely regulated endosomal vesicle trafficking. How the endosomal machinery is ... -
Who Should You Listen to in a Crisis? Differences in Communication of Central Bank Policymakers
Communication has become a vital part of modern monetary policy, and its importance is even higher during a crisis when a central bank has to calm the markets down. This paper studies the information content of different ... -
Loneliness, subjective health complaints, and medicine use among Finnish adolescents 2006-2018
<p><i>Aims</i>: Loneliness is an important public health challenge for all ages. This study reports time trends of loneliness among adolescents over a 12-year period and analyses the strength of the associations between ... -
Review of solar energetic particle models
<p>Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events are interesting from a scientific perspective as they are the product of a broad set of physical processes from the corona out through the extent of the heliosphere, and provide ... -
Persona preparedness: a survey instrument for measuring the organizational readiness for deploying personas
User-centric design within organizations is crucial for developing information technology that offers optimal usability and user experience. Personas are a central user-centered design technique that puts people before ... -
Simulating Screening for Risk of Childhood Diabetes: The Collaborative Open Outcomes tooL (COOL)
AMIA ...Annual Symposium proceedings<p>The Collaborative Open Outcomes tooL (COOL) is a novel, highly configurable application to simulate, evaluate and compare potential population-level screening schedules. Its first application is type 1 diabetes (T1D) ... -
Planetary activism at the end of the world: Feminist and posthumanist imaginaries beyond Man
<p>We are currently experiencing a planetary crisis that will lead, if worst comes to worst, to the end of the entire world as we know it. Several feminist scholars have suggested that if the Earth is to stay livable for ... -
"Ylös veljet valkoiset!" Sisällissodan valkoisten laulujen historiapolitiikka YouTube-videoiden kommenteissa
<p>Musiikkia kuunnellaan entistä useammin niin kutsutuista striimauspalveluista, joista Youtube on suosituin. Samalla Youtubesta on tullut poliittisten identiteettien rakentumisen areena. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan ... -
Innovaatiot kriisien keskellä: kasvuhaasteita ja vastauksia
ETLA Muistio<p>Business Finlandin vuosina 2020–2022 rahoittama Reigniting growth through innovation -hanke kokosi tietoa innovatiivisuudesta ja keinoja innovoinnin tehostamiseksi pandemian jälkeisessä maailmanlaajuisessa myllerryksessä. ... -
Masentuneen potilaan hoito videoavusteisella lyhytpsykoterapialla
<p>VideoTalk-menetelmässä psykoterapiaa tehostetaan potilaan kotona itsestään ottamilla videoilla. Terapiatunnilla potilas tekee havaintoja itsestään videolta. Hän voi oivaltaa, miten kielteinen puhe itsestä aiheuttaa ... -
Satakuntalaisuus puheessa -korpus ja siitä tehtyjä synkretismihavaintoja
<p>Satakunta in Speech, a research project at the University of Turku, started in 2007. Since the beginning, the goal of the project was to study the current dialects around the province of Satakunta, one of the historical ... -
A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland
INVEST-Working Paper<p>BACKGROUND The decline in marriage and increase in cohabiting unions represent a major change in family and fertility dynamics. Yet, no comprehensive description has covered period trends in the prevalence of marital ... -
A saturated map of common genetic variants associated with human height
Common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are predicted to collectively explain 40-50% of phenotypic variation in human height, but identifying the specific variants and associated regions requires huge sample sizes(1). ... -
Verenpainetaudin geneettinen tausta
<p>Verenpainetaudin geneettisistä riskitekijöistä tunnetaan tällä hetkellä noin 20 harvinaista geenivaihtelua ja yli 1 400 yleistä pistemutaatiota, jotka yhdessä selittävät verenpaineen väestötason vaihtelusta noin 6 %. ... -
Identifying patient safety research priorities in Estonia: results of a Delphi consensus study
<p>Patient safety research aims to create new knowledge and find evidence-based solutions to improve patient safety and reduce avoidable adverse events in healthcare.<a href=" ... -
Toward a contextualized understanding of inside sales: the role of sales development in effective lead funnel management
<p>Purpose <br></p><p>The purpose of this study is to provide a contextualized understanding of how business-to-business (B2B) firms use the sales development function for efficient and effective lead funnel management. ...