Treatment-Induced Tumor Dormancy through YAP-Mediated Transcriptional Reprogramming of the Apoptotic Pathway
Wilkens MK; Vajdi A; Boettcher S; Kirschmeier PT; Haq R; Bandopadhayay P; Mushajiang M; Kurppa KJ; Chen T; Portell A; Barbie DA; Xu M; Liu Y; Bertram AA; Long HW; Knelson EH; To C; Beroukhim R; Choi J; Tillgren ML; Gray NS; Li S; Camargo FD; Gao Y; Fan MY; Ficarro SB; Wong KK; Zhang TH; Janne PA; Wang HY; Awad MM; Bahcall M; Cejas P; Xie YT; Lim K; Paweletz CP; Shin BH; Shalhout S; Marto JA; Lizotte PH; Gokhale PC; Ebert BL; Thai T; Haikala HM
Treatment-Induced Tumor Dormancy through YAP-Mediated Transcriptional Reprogramming of the Apoptotic Pathway
Wilkens MK
Vajdi A
Boettcher S
Kirschmeier PT
Haq R
Bandopadhayay P
Mushajiang M
Kurppa KJ
Chen T
Portell A
Barbie DA
Xu M
Liu Y
Bertram AA
Long HW
Knelson EH
To C
Beroukhim R
Choi J
Tillgren ML
Gray NS
Li S
Camargo FD
Gao Y
Fan MY
Ficarro SB
Wong KK
Zhang TH
Janne PA
Wang HY
Awad MM
Bahcall M
Cejas P
Xie YT
Lim K
Paweletz CP
Shin BH
Shalhout S
Marto JA
Lizotte PH
Gokhale PC
Ebert BL
Thai T
Haikala HM
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on:
Eradicating tumor dormancy that develops following epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment of EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer, is an attractive therapeutic strategy but the mechanisms governing this process are poorly understood. Blockade of ERK1/2 reactivation following EGFR TKI treatment by combined EGFR/MEK inhibition uncovers cells that survive by entering a senescence-like dormant state characterized by high YAP/TEAD activity. YAP/TEAD engage the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition transcription factor SLUG to directly repress pro-apoptotic BMF, limiting drug-induced apoptosis. Pharmacological co-inhibition of YAP and TEAD, or genetic deletion of YAP1, all deplete dormant cells by enhancing EGFR/MEK inhibition-induced apoptosis. Enhancing the initial efficacy of targeted therapies could ultimately lead to prolonged treatment responses in cancer patients.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]