Preservice Middle School Mathematics Teachers’ Development in Formative Assessment
Çiğdem Haser; Gözde Can
The study was conducted to investigate preservice middle school
mathematics teachers’ professional development in formative assessment
practices they plan to implement in classrooms. Basic qualitative
research method was employed in this study. Incomplete and Improper
Lesson Plan Task developed by the researchers was implemented to 47 2nd
year, 37 3rd year, and 27 4th year preservice middle school mathematics
teachers. Findings of the study indicated that participants who took
measurement and assessment course and methods of teaching courses (3rd
year and 4th year preservice teachers) emphasized integrating formative
assessment strategies more than 2nd year preservice teachers. None of
the participants mentioned to give opportunity to students to assess
themselves or provide feedback to the students in order to enhance their
learning. 3rd year and 4th year preservice teachers were also more
successful in detecting the improperness of the lesson plan.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]