dc.contributor.author | Arno Hänninen | |
dc.contributor.author | Riikka Huovinen | |
dc.contributor.author | Kirsi Taimen | |
dc.contributor.author | Ia Kohonen | |
dc.contributor.author | Heikki Relas | |
dc.contributor.author | Samu Heino | |
dc.contributor.author | Laura Pirilä | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-10-28T12:19:30Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-10-28T12:19:30Z | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://www.utupub.fi/handle/10024/158934 | |
dc.description.abstract | <div>Patients receiving chemotherapy are prone to neutropoenic infections, presenting with non-specific symptoms such as a high fever and elevated inflammatory parameters. Large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) may have a similar clinical presentation and should be included in differential diagnostics. A few published case reports and adverse event reports suggest a causal association between LVV and the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and chemotherapy. Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between LVV, G-CSF and chemotherapy.</div><div>Methods</div><div>Between 2016 and 2018, we identified six patients in Finland with probable drug-induced LVV associated with G-CSF and chemotherapy. All six patients had breast cancer. A systematic literature review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines using comprehensive search terms for cancer, chemotherapy, G-CSF and LVV.</div><div>Results</div><div>The literature search identified 18 similar published case reports, of which most were published after 2014. In all patients combined (n = 24), the time delay from the last drug administration to the LVV symptoms was on average 5 days with G-CSF (range = 1–8 days) and 9 days with chemotherapy (range = 1–21 days). Common symptoms were fever (88%), neck pain (50%) and chest pain (42%). Based on imaging, 17/24 (71%) had vascular inflammation in the thoracic aorta and supra-aortic vessels, but 5/24 (21%) reportedly had inflammation limited to the carotid area.</div><div>Conclusion</div><div>This review suggests that LVV may be a possible serious adverse event associated with G-CSF and chemotherapy. Successful management of drug-induced LVV requires early identification, through diagnostic imaging, and discontinuation of the drug.</div> | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.publisher | Oxford University Press | |
dc.title | Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor- and chemotherapy-induced large-vessel vasculitis: six patient cases and a systematic literature review | |
dc.identifier.urn | URN:NBN:fi-fe2021042824057 | |
dc.relation.volume | 4 | |
dc.contributor.organization | fi=tyks, vsshp|en=tyks, vsshp| | |
dc.contributor.organization | fi=lääket. tdk yhteiset|en=Lääket. tdk yhteiset| | |
dc.contributor.organization | fi=diagnostinen radiologia|en=Diagnostic Radiology| | |
dc.contributor.organization | fi=sisätautioppi|en=Internal Medicine| | |
dc.contributor.organization | fi=biolääketieteen laitos, yhteiset|en=Institute of Biomedicine| | |
dc.contributor.organization-code | 2607318 | |
dc.contributor.organization-code | 2607000 | |
dc.contributor.organization-code | 2607303 | |
dc.contributor.organization-code | 2607100 | |
dc.converis.publication-id | 46931151 | |
dc.converis.url | https://research.utu.fi/converis/portal/Publication/46931151 | |
dc.identifier.eissn | 2514-1775 | |
dc.identifier.jour-issn | 2514-1775 | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Taimen, Kirsi | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Kohonen, Ia | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Huovinen, Riikka | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Dataimport, tyks, vsshp | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Hänninen, Arno | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Pirilä, Laura | |
dc.okm.affiliatedauthor | Heino, Samu | |
dc.okm.discipline | 3121 Sisätaudit | fi_FI |
dc.okm.discipline | 3122 Cancers | en_GB |
dc.okm.discipline | 3122 Syöpätaudit | fi_FI |
dc.okm.discipline | 3121 Internal medicine | en_GB |
dc.okm.internationalcopublication | not an international co-publication | |
dc.okm.internationality | International publication | |
dc.okm.type | A2 Review article | |
dc.publisher.country | United Kingdom | en_GB |
dc.publisher.country | Britannia | fi_FI |
dc.publisher.country-code | GB | |
dc.relation.doi | 10.1093/rap/rkaa004 | |
dc.relation.ispartofjournal | Rheumatology Advances in Practice | |
dc.relation.issue | 1 | |
dc.year.issued | 2020 | |