Contextual Meaning-Making in Reading: The Role of Affect
Kaakinen Johanna K.; Lüdtke Jana; Jacobs Arthur M.
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Abstract:Emotions play a crucial role in how readers process, comprehend,and experience texts. This chapter focuses on what we have learned about emo-tional aspects of reading by using eye tracking, a methodology that provides de-tailed information about the time-course of reading processes as they occur on-line. The chapter first introduces basic emotion concepts relevant for readingresearch. It then describes key measures of eye movements used in previous re-search, focusing on sentence and text comprehension. We then briefly reviewprevious eye tracking research on the role of emotions in reading conducted atthree levels: word, sentence, and text. It appears that while word-level emotioneffects have received quite a lot of attention, much less empirical work has beenconducted on sentence and text-level phenomena. This lack of empirical evi-dence is reflected in a dearth of theoretical accounts, which currently are stillunder development. Thus, there is a clear need for vigorous empirical researchto help advance theoretical work on emotional aspects of reading. This chapterhighlights the importance of using naturalistic texts and the need for further de-velopment in advanced exploratory, predictive, and explanatory computationalmethods and models in order to foster understanding of the emotional aspects of reading.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]