Making Sense of Entrepreneurial Knowledge in Recognition of Prior Learning and Studification Practices (Esitys 3E ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conferencessa, Gothenburg, Sweden 8.-10.5. 2019)
Kirsi Peura; Tarja Römer-Paakkanen; Satu Aaltonen
Questions we care about (Objectives) – The
paper focuses on how Finnish HE teaching staff make sense of students’
experientially gained entrepreneurial knowledge as part of academic curriculum
in entrepreneurship.
Approach – Drawing from a
qualitative sense-making methodology, the paper makes use of inductive analysis
of personal and group interviews of HE teaching staff regarding practices in
recognition of prior learning (RPL) in entrepreneurship and studification of co-
and extra-curricular activities that develop students’ entrepreneurship
Results – The findings highlight that sensemaking of experientially
gained entrepreneurial knowledge is multidimensional. The study
participants introduce issues working at different levels including: theoretical (denoting entrepreneurship
as a discipline), institutional (denoting
organizational objectives and requirements),
practical (denoting guidelines and administrative processes) and HE political
(denoting the role of HEIs in producing entrepreneurial individuals).
Especially, the epistemic questions related to control over curriculum are made
visible when discussing fitting the entrepreneurial knowledge into the
students’ degrees via RPL and studification practices.
Implications – While Finnish
HEIs have taken up the recommendations provided by the Ministry of Education
and Culture on providing the HE students with support for self-employment
orientations and entrepreneurship in different forms, they partly struggle with
adjusting experientially gained and practice-oriented entrepreneurial knowledge
with the academic requirements in connection with RPL and studification
Value/Originality – Research
focuses on generating understanding how HEI teaching staff make sense of
entrepreneurial knowledge in RPL and studification that are novel practices in
entrepreneurship education and allow the students to fulfill their academic
requirements in entrepreneurship outside the academic curriculum. This study
enables us to understand the complexities related to these novel practices in
the field of EE and, to contribute to the discussion on entrepreneurial
knowledge development in HE in the broad sense.
Key Words: Entrepreneurial knowledge,
Experiential learning, Recognition of prior learning, Studification,
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]