Edge AI and Blockchain for Privacy-Critical and Data-Sensitive Applications
A. Nawaz; Jorge Peña Queralta; T. N. Gia; T. Westerlund
Edge AI and Blockchain for Privacy-Critical and Data-Sensitive Applications
A. Nawaz
Jorge Peña Queralta
T. N. Gia
T. Westerlund
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The edge and fog computing paradigms enable more responsive and smarter systems without relying on cloud servers for data processing and storage. This reduces network load as well as latency. Nonetheless, the addition of new layers in the network architecture increases the number of security vulnerabilities. In privacy-critical systems, the appearance of new vulnerabilities is more significant. To cope with this issue, we propose and implement an Ethereum Blockchain based architecture with edge artificial intelligence to analyze data at the edge of the network and keep track of the parties that access the results of the analysis, which are stored in distributed databases.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]