The riddle : form and performance
Kaivola-Bregenhøj A
The riddle : form and performance
Kaivola-Bregenhøj A
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The article
concentrates on the true or the ordinary riddle, which is the best-known
of the old riddles. True riddles consist of two parts, one functioning
as a question, the other as an answer. In riddling the answerer or
riddlee tries to find an acceptable answer to the question. Sometimes
riddlees are deliberately misled because the “right” answer is
completely unexpected. Riddles are “texts” only in archives and
publications; in the field, they are always oral lore closely tied to
their performing context. Study of social and cultural contexts is a new
part of riddle research. Field researchers’ studies and findings are
important. The article includes riddle definitions and analysis of
subjects, metaphors and formulae of riddles as well as the functions of
riddling. New challenges are the driving force behind research. I
attempt to find something new in my material. New for me has been
discovering the humour in riddles. Reading dozens and even hundreds of
riddle variants begins to give me some idea of the fun and humour
inherent in riddles. There are still questions in riddle materials
waiting to be asked; it is always possible to discover something new.
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concentrates on the true or the ordinary riddle, which is the best-known
of the old riddles. True riddles consist of two parts, one functioning
as a question, the other as an answer. In riddling the answerer or
riddlee tries to find an acceptable answer to the question. Sometimes
riddlees are deliberately misled because the “right” answer is
completely unexpected. Riddles are “texts” only in archives and
publications; in the field, they are always oral lore closely tied to
their performing context. Study of social and cultural contexts is a new
part of riddle research. Field researchers’ studies and findings are
important. The article includes riddle definitions and analysis of
subjects, metaphors and formulae of riddles as well as the functions of
riddling. New challenges are the driving force behind research. I
attempt to find something new in my material. New for me has been
discovering the humour in riddles. Reading dozens and even hundreds of
riddle variants begins to give me some idea of the fun and humour
inherent in riddles. There are still questions in riddle materials
waiting to be asked; it is always possible to discover something new.
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answer; definition; formula; function; joking question; metaphor; riddle; riddling; true riddle
answer; definition; formula; function; joking question; metaphor; riddle; riddling; true riddle
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]