Diskurssintutkimus - monitieteinen ja monimenetelmäinen ala
Liisa Kääntä; Lauri Haapanen; Lotta Lehti
Diskurssintutkimus - monitieteinen ja monimenetelmäinen ala
Liisa Kääntä
Lauri Haapanen
Lotta Lehti
Suomen Soveltavan Kielitieteen Yhdistys AFinLA ry
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on:
is a growing interest towards metatheoretical examination of linguistic
research. This special issue contributes to this examination from the
perspective of discourse studies. The issue consists of seven articles which
present methods in different areas of discourse studies. The aim of this
introductory article is firstly to define the notions of discourse and method.
Secondly, through the presentation of the articles of the issue, we present a
variety of methods pertaining to different stages of research. In particular,
methods of data collection and classification, as well as of data analysis, are
presented. We conclude the article with some remarks on the future avenues of
the methodology of discourse studies.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]