Reflections on Teaching Software Engineering Capstone course
Timo Vasankari; Anne-Maarit Majanoja
For students, capstone
project represents the culmination of their studies and is
typically the last milestone before graduation. This paper reflects on organizing IT capstone projects
in computer science and software engineering Master programmes in a Sino-Finnish
setup. Based on our analysis we introduce various aspects based on our
observations for improving course practicalities, introduction lectures, students’
initiative group working and overall interaction. We also discuss the
importance of active learning and transferring the responsibility of learning
from teachers to students in order to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
During a capstone course students design and implement a solution to a complex,
ill-defined real-life problem. We present and discuss the results from student
feedback surveys and propose areas for further development.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]