Fabrication and Characterization of Drug-Loaded Conductive Poly(glycerol sebacate)/Nanoparticle-Based Composite Patch for Myocardial Infarction Applications
Rojas O.J.; Mäkilä E.; Ajdary R.; Santos H.A.; Salonen J.; Ruskoaho H.J.; Correia A.; Zanjanizadeh Ezazi N.; Kemell M.; Hirvonen J.
Heart tissue engineering is critical in the treatment of myocardial
infarction, which may benefit from drug-releasing smart materials. In
this study, we load a small molecule (3i-1000) in new biodegradable and
conductive patches for application in infarcted myocardium. The
composite patches consist of a biocompatible elastomer, poly(glycerol
sebacate) (PGS), coupled with collagen type I, used to promote cell
attachment. In addition, polypyrrole is incorporated because of its
electrical conductivity and to induce cell signaling. Results from the
in vitro experiments indicate a high density of cardiac myoblast cells
attached on the patches, which stay viable for at least 1 month. The
degradation of the patches does not show any cytotoxic effect, while
3i-1000 delivery induces cell proliferation. Conductive patches show
high blood wettability and drug release, correlating with the rate of
degradation of the PGS matrix. Together with the electrical conductivity
and elongation characteristics, the developed biomaterial fits the
mechanical, conductive, and biological demands required for cardiac
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]