Building transformative capacity towards active sustainable transport in urban areas – Experiences from local actions in Finland
Tapio Petri; Kiviluoto Katariina; Sundqvist-Andberg Henna; Aittasalo Minna; Silonsaari Jonne; Tuominen Anu
Recent research has recognised cycling and walking (active transport) as substantial elements contributing to sustainable mobility and public health challenges. There is less knowledge available on the integrated contributions of local-level governance processes and practical implementation of active transport promotion activities. To illustrate comprehensively the contributions of local-level activities, we defined a framework presenting transformative capacity towards active sustainable transport. The framework presents the essential elements and criteria in assessing the level of contributions towards active and sustainable mobility. Previous literature and a case study in six Finnish municipalities comprising interviews and documentary analysis were our primary research data. The Finnish experience shows that local actors can have different, yet successful, approaches in building transformative capacity towards active and sustainable transport.
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]