Planck 2015 results XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources
Frejsel A; Hanson D; Gratton S; Bond JR; Holmes WA; Martinez-Gonzalez E; Shellard EPS; Paoletti D; Montier L; Pajot F; Polenta G; Scott D; Baccigalupi C; Huffenberger KM; Leahy JP; Migliaccio M; Tristram M; Gjerlow E; Jones WC; Wade LA; Maris M; de Rosa A; Forni O; Henrot-Versille S; Chiang HC; Jaffe AH; Netterfield CB; Davis RJ; Moss A; Murphy JA; Natoli P; de Zotti G; Pratt GW; Savini G; Van Tent B; Vielva P; Negrello M; Finelli F; Combet C; Bartolo N; Bucher M; Benabed K; Sandri M; Seiffert MD; Bonaldi A; Lamarre JM; Colombi S; Sudiwala R; Galeotta S; Pietrobon D; Donzelli S; Couchot F; Burigana C; Rowan-Robinson M; Kunz M; Lubin PM; Ganga K; Mennella A; Turler M; Eriksen HK; Umana G; Dickinson C; Dore O; Ducout A; Fergusson J; Galli S; Piat M; Perdereau O; Chary RR; Hovest W; Clements DL; Gruppuso A; Tomasi M; Plaszczynski S; Leon-Tavares J; Sutton D; Valiviita J; Mortlock D; Melchiorri A; Bernard JP; Macias-Perez JF; Knoche J; Ristorcelli I; Roudier G; Ade PAR; Lawrence CR; Herranz D; Giraud-Heraud Y; Sunyaev R; Hivon E; Banday AJ; Rebolo R; Moneti A; Tauber JA; Cardoso JF; Pierpaoli E; Toffolatti L; Gonzalez-Nuevo J; Meinhold PR; Mangilli A; Colombo LPL; Perotto L; Barreiro RB; Giard M; Falgarone E; Tuovinen J; Prunet S; Paladini R; Juvela M; Mendes L; Linden-Vornle M; Munshi D; Liguori M; Bock JJ; Mandolesi N; Sygnet JF; Lahteenmaki A; Calabrese E; Sanghera HS; Novikov I; Terenzi L; Delabrouille J; Crill BP; Keskitalo R; Butler RC; Clemens M; Keihanen E; Puget JL; Gregorio A; Ashdown M; Arnaud M; Lilje PB; Nati F; Dupac X; Maino D; Lagache G; Desert FX; Savelainen M; Hildebrandt SR; Pointecouteau E; Martin PG; Wehus IK; Reach WT; Naselsky P; Novikov D; Renault C; Lopez-Caniego M; Miville-Deschenes MA; Borrill J; Matarrese S; Patanchon G; Bonavera L; Partridge B; Morgante G; Paci F; McGehee P; Benoit A; de Bernardis P; Dole H; Piacentini F; Catalano A; Gorski KM; Renzi A; Danese L; Lattanzi M; Coulais A; Hurier G; Aumont J; Rachen JP; Harrison DL; Pettorino V; Benoit-Levy A; Boulanger F; Wandelt BD; Walter B; Battaner E; Cuttaia F; Christensen PR; Hernandez-Monteagudo C; Gudmundsson JE; Rosset C; Zonca A; Masi S; Rocha G; Levrier F; Bohringer H; Douspis M; Elsner F; Beichman C; Pasian F; Ensslin TA; Rubino-Martin JA; Kurki-Suonio H; Tucci M; Helou G; Norgaard-Nielsen HU; Spencer LD; Prezeau G; Hansen FK; Kneissl R; Jaffe TR; Hornstrup A; Maggio G; Pearson TJ; Tornikoski M; Zacchei A; Carvalho P; Hobson M; Kisner TS; Santos D; Yvon D; Rusholme B; Diego JM; Franceschi E; Remazeilles M; Noviello F; Rossetti M; Pagano L; Challinor A; Frailis M; Oxborrow CA; Suur-Uski AS; Leonardi R; Mitra S; Bersanelli M; Efstathiou G; Curto A; Aghanim N; Stolyarov V; Lasenby A; Argueso F; Valenziano L; Marshall DJ; Reinecke M; Perrotta F; Bouchet FR; Bielewicz P; Villa F; Davies RD; Lesgourgues J; Chamballu A; Fraisse AA
Planck 2015 results XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources
Frejsel A
Hanson D
Gratton S
Bond JR
Holmes WA
Martinez-Gonzalez E
Shellard EPS
Paoletti D
Montier L
Pajot F
Polenta G
Scott D
Baccigalupi C
Huffenberger KM
Leahy JP
Migliaccio M
Tristram M
Gjerlow E
Jones WC
Wade LA
Maris M
de Rosa A
Forni O
Henrot-Versille S
Chiang HC
Jaffe AH
Netterfield CB
Davis RJ
Moss A
Murphy JA
Natoli P
de Zotti G
Pratt GW
Savini G
Van Tent B
Vielva P
Negrello M
Finelli F
Combet C
Bartolo N
Bucher M
Benabed K
Sandri M
Seiffert MD
Bonaldi A
Lamarre JM
Colombi S
Sudiwala R
Galeotta S
Pietrobon D
Donzelli S
Couchot F
Burigana C
Rowan-Robinson M
Kunz M
Lubin PM
Ganga K
Mennella A
Turler M
Eriksen HK
Umana G
Dickinson C
Dore O
Ducout A
Fergusson J
Galli S
Piat M
Perdereau O
Chary RR
Hovest W
Clements DL
Gruppuso A
Tomasi M
Plaszczynski S
Leon-Tavares J
Sutton D
Valiviita J
Mortlock D
Melchiorri A
Bernard JP
Macias-Perez JF
Knoche J
Ristorcelli I
Roudier G
Lawrence CR
Herranz D
Giraud-Heraud Y
Sunyaev R
Hivon E
Banday AJ
Rebolo R
Moneti A
Tauber JA
Cardoso JF
Pierpaoli E
Toffolatti L
Gonzalez-Nuevo J
Meinhold PR
Mangilli A
Colombo LPL
Perotto L
Barreiro RB
Giard M
Falgarone E
Tuovinen J
Prunet S
Paladini R
Juvela M
Mendes L
Linden-Vornle M
Munshi D
Liguori M
Bock JJ
Mandolesi N
Sygnet JF
Lahteenmaki A
Calabrese E
Sanghera HS
Novikov I
Terenzi L
Delabrouille J
Crill BP
Keskitalo R
Butler RC
Clemens M
Keihanen E
Puget JL
Gregorio A
Ashdown M
Arnaud M
Lilje PB
Nati F
Dupac X
Maino D
Lagache G
Desert FX
Savelainen M
Hildebrandt SR
Pointecouteau E
Martin PG
Wehus IK
Reach WT
Naselsky P
Novikov D
Renault C
Lopez-Caniego M
Miville-Deschenes MA
Borrill J
Matarrese S
Patanchon G
Bonavera L
Partridge B
Morgante G
Paci F
McGehee P
Benoit A
de Bernardis P
Dole H
Piacentini F
Catalano A
Gorski KM
Renzi A
Danese L
Lattanzi M
Coulais A
Hurier G
Aumont J
Rachen JP
Harrison DL
Pettorino V
Benoit-Levy A
Boulanger F
Wandelt BD
Walter B
Battaner E
Cuttaia F
Christensen PR
Hernandez-Monteagudo C
Gudmundsson JE
Rosset C
Zonca A
Masi S
Rocha G
Levrier F
Bohringer H
Douspis M
Elsner F
Beichman C
Pasian F
Ensslin TA
Rubino-Martin JA
Kurki-Suonio H
Tucci M
Helou G
Norgaard-Nielsen HU
Spencer LD
Prezeau G
Hansen FK
Kneissl R
Jaffe TR
Hornstrup A
Maggio G
Pearson TJ
Tornikoski M
Zacchei A
Carvalho P
Hobson M
Kisner TS
Santos D
Yvon D
Rusholme B
Diego JM
Franceschi E
Remazeilles M
Noviello F
Rossetti M
Pagano L
Challinor A
Frailis M
Oxborrow CA
Suur-Uski AS
Leonardi R
Mitra S
Bersanelli M
Efstathiou G
Curto A
Aghanim N
Stolyarov V
Lasenby A
Argueso F
Valenziano L
Marshall DJ
Reinecke M
Perrotta F
Bouchet FR
Bielewicz P
Villa F
Davies RD
Lesgourgues J
Chamballu A
Fraisse AA
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on:
The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources is a list of discrete objects detected in single-frequency maps from the full duration of the Planck mission and supersedes previous versions. It consists of compact sources, both Galactic and extragalactic, detected over the entire sky. Compact sources detected in the lower frequency channels are assigned to the PCCS2, while at higher frequencies they are assigned to one of two subcatalogues, the PCCS2 or PCCS2E, depending on their location on the sky. The first of these (PCCS2) covers most of the sky and allows the user to produce subsamples at higher reliabilities than the target 80% integral reliability of the catalogue. The second ( PCCS2E) contains sources detected in sky regions where the diffuse emission makes it difficult to quantify the reliability of the detections. Both the PCCS2 and PCCS2E include polarization measurements, in the form of polarized flux densities, or upper limits, and orientation angles for all seven polarization-sensitive Planck channels. The improved data-processing of the full-mission maps and their reduced noise levels allow us to increase the number of objects in the catalogue, improving its completeness for the target 80% reliability as compared with the previous versions, the PCCS and the Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (ERCSC).
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