Alakouluikäisten lasten moniulotteinen elämääntyytyväisyys Suomessa
Enna Toikka; Piia af Ursin; Leena Haanpää
itsensä arvioimasta hyvinvoinnista on saatavilla vielä vähän lapsiväestöön
yleistettävää tietoa, mutta sen tarve on tunnistettu. Artikkelissa
tarkastellaan alakouluikäisten lasten elämääntyytyväisyyttä eri mittareilla. Tutkimuksen
mukaan suomalaislasten elämääntyytyväisyys on korkealla tasolla. Käyttämällä
moniulotteisia elämääntyytyväisyyden mittareita saadaan aiempaa
kokonaisvaltaisempi kuva lasten hyvinvoinnista.
Leena Haanpää & Enna Toikka & Piia af Ursin: Multidimensional life
satisfaction of primary school aged children in Finland (Alakouluikäisten
lasten moniulotteinen elämääntyytyväisyys Suomessa)
In focus of this article are indicators of
life satisfaction that are used to measure children’s well-being. The UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which was ratified in Finland in
1991, assures the wellbeing of all children under the age of 18. The Finnish
welfare state is in an excellent position to promote a child-centred welfare
policy aimed at exceeding the CRC minimum standards. This, however, requires
more comprehensive data collection. Child well-being research has recognized
the role of subjective well-being indicators and their significance for
well-being research in general. International comparisons have shown that
Finnish children of all ages rank quite highly in terms of life satisfaction.
However, these results raise questions as to what conclusions can be drawn from
single items that only measure life satisfaction, how children understand
general life satisfaction, what are the constituent components that make up
life satisfaction, and what explains life satisfaction. The most extensive
Finnish surveys on child well-being mainly lean on single-item life
satisfaction measures, even though there are several specific overall life
satisfaction measures that have been constructed for assessing child and
adolescent wellbeing.
In this study primary school-aged
children’s life satisfaction and its components are explained using both single-item
and multi-item indicators. The research data consist of international survey
data from Children’s Worlds, the International Survey of Children’s Well- Being
(ISCWeB), specifically the dataset from Finland (N=2,840). The empirical frame
of life satisfaction comprises two internationally validated measures, the
reduced Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (SLSS) and Brief Multidimensional
Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (BMSLSS). Furthermore, the single-item
measure Overall Life Satisfaction (OLS) is used for comparative analysis.
According to the results, the use of multi-item indicators alongside
single-item indicators can yield a clearer picture of children’s life
- Rinnakkaistallenteet [19207]