Viimeksi syötetyt Rinnakkaistallenteet
Aineistot 941-960 / 19207
Susien paikat. Ihminen ja susi 1900-luvun Suomessa
<p>Viime vuosisadan aikana susien esiintymisessä ja asemassa tapahtui suuria muutoksia. Syntyi monenlaisia käsityksiä susien käyttäytymisestä ja sijoittumisesta. Tässä kirjassa paneudutaan susien paikkoihin 1900-luvun ... -
Developing an online hate classifier for multiple social media platforms
<p>The proliferation of social media enables people to express their opinions widely online. However, at the same time, this has resulted in the emergence of conflict and hate, making online environments uninviting ... -
Slovenian nurses’ research utilization competence and received support from nurse managers
<p>Introduction. Research utilization is the core of evidence-based practice. Nurse managers have an important role to support competence management and research utilization in nursing care.</p><p>Aim. The aim of the study ... -
The Impacts of Fish Oil and/or Probiotic Intervention on Low-Grade Inflammation, IGFBP-1 and MMP-8 in Pregnancy: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial
Background: We investigated the impact of fish oil and/or probiotics on serum and vaginal inflammatory and metabolic proteins and their relation to the onset of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods: Overweight/obese ... -
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor- and chemotherapy-induced large-vessel vasculitis: six patient cases and a systematic literature review
<div>Patients receiving chemotherapy are prone to neutropoenic infections, presenting with non-specific symptoms such as a high fever and elevated inflammatory parameters. Large-vessel vasculitis (LVV) may have a similar ... -
Biomarkers of kidney function and prediction of death from cardiovascular and other causes in the elderly: A 9-year follow-up study
Background: Cystatin C is claimed to be superior to creatinine-based estimates of glomerular filtration rate (eGFRcr). The purpose of the study is to analyze whether cystatin C, creatinine, and/or estimated glomerular ... -
Universal Family Background Effects on Education Across and Within Societies
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography<p>The extent to which siblings resemble each other measures the total impact of family background in shaping life outcomes. We study sibling similarity in cognitive skills, school grades, and educational attainment in ... -
Piipunkopat kertovat: tutkimuskohteena Lahden torikaivaukset 2013.
<p>Tutkielmassa ajoitetaan kuva-aiheiden perusteella vuoden 2013 Lahden kauppatorin kaivauksilta löydetyt 54 piipunkoppaa tai -kopan palaa. Aineistoon kuuluu liitu- ja posliinipiippujen lisäksi merenvaha-, punasavi ... -
The development and testing of the C/WoundComp instrument for assessing chronic wound‐care competence in student nurses and podiatrists
The purpose of this study was to describe the level of chronic wound-care competence among graduating student nurses and student podiatrists in comparison with that of professionals and to develop and test a new instrument ... -
Genome sequences of RIGVIR oncolytic virotherapy virus and five other echovirus 7 isolates
<p>We report here the nearly complete Illumina-sequenced consensus genome sequences of six isolates of echovirus 7 (E7), including oncolytic virotherapy virus RIGVIR and the Wallace prototype. Amino acid identities within ... -
”Thomas Laurentii ex metropoli Finlandiae Abo” – Martin Crusiuksen päiväkirjamerkinnät Turun kirkkoherran vierailusta Tübingenissä 1585–1586
<p>English summary: The article presents an unknown source about the history of education and classical languages in sixteenth-century Finland. Thomas Laurentii, the parson of the Cathedral Church in the Evangelical diocese ... -
How Could a Social Network Analysis Boost an Evolutionary Ecosystem in Cultural Heritage Tourism?
Publication of Turku School of Economics, Pori Unit<p> </p><p>Cultural heritage has become a valuable resource from which the themes and narratives essential to ‘place-making’ can be derived by tying the physical assets, for example, buildings, and the living culture ... -
Cholesterol lowering efficacy of plant stanol ester in a new type of product matrix, a chewable dietary supplement
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol lowering efficacy of a new type of chewable plant stanol ester food supplement was evaluated in a randomized, double-blind, controlled four-week intervention. The participants (LDL ... -
Crosstalk between chloroplast thioredoxin systems in regulation of photosynthesis
Thioredoxins (TRXs) mediate light-dependent activation of primary photosynthetic reactions in plant chloroplasts by reducing disulphide bridges in redox-regulated enzymes. Of the two plastid TRX systems, the ferredoxin-TRX ... -
The Unusual Extension of Imperial Intellectual Property Laws to Colonies in Africa
Studies in the History of International Law<p>This chapter examines the unusual extension of Imperial intellectual property laws to British colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa from the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century, critically appraising how ...