Viimeksi syötetyt Rinnakkaistallenteet
Aineistot 961-980 / 19207
Insights into disseminated MS brain pathology with multimodal diffusion tensor and PET imaging
<div>Objective To evaluate in vivo the co-occurrence of microglial activation and microstructural white matter (WM) damage in the MS brain and to examine their association with clinical disability.</div><div>Methods 18-kDa ... -
Integration and Segregation through Leisure: The Case of Finnish Somalis in Turku
Unlike housing and employment segregation, leisure segregation remains underresearched. Leisure offers insights into the informality of everyday life that policies strive to address. Moreover, studies of integration and ... -
Modeling drug combination effects via latent tensor reconstruction
<p>AB Combination therapies have emerged as a powerful treatment modality to overcome drug resistance and improve treatment efficacy. However, the number of possible drug combinations increases very rapidly with the number ... -
Recovery journey
<p>I shared the results and implications of my empirical data of my thesis, related to the journey of recovering alcoholics in Alcoholics Anonymous journal: Revista Brasileira de Alcoólicos Anônimos (Brazilian Journal of ... -
Lääketieteen opiskelijoiden työelämälähtöinen näkemys perusopetuksen kehityskohteista : entistäkin parempia kesäkandeja
Lääketieteen perusopetuksen tärkeä tavoite on antaa opiskelijalle hyvät käytännön valmiudet toimia lääkärin tehtävissä. Suurin osa ylimpien vuosikurssien opiskelijoista työskentelee kesäaikana lääkärinä. Pyysimme kesätöissä ... -
Ilmarinen and Popular Techno-Utopian Conceptions
Studia Fennica Folkloristica -
Investigative Activities as a Basis for Integrating Pre-primary Craft, Technology and Science Education
<p><i>The aim of this study is to explore the integration of pre-primary craft, technology, and science education. Inquiry-based approaches and hands-on activities are common modes of teaching within these learning areas ... -
Single nucleotide polymorphism rs11614913 associated with CC genotype in miR-196a2 is overrepresented in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma, but not salivary gland tumors in Polish population
The miRNA-196a2 has shown significance in the development of various neoplasms, including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The oncogenic functionality of this miRNA is mediated via its potential to target ... -
Kohtaamisia lähiruoka-ajattelun kentällä. – Havaintoja ulkomaisten lähiruokayritysten tarjontakonsepteista ja kuluttajien ostoympäristöistä.
Raportti<p> foreign local food companies and their business concepts were studied in order to bring<br /> new ideas to Finnish local food business and thus promote growth in Finnish local food markets. Research questions were ... -
FINNVERA: Insights on Impact
<p> </p><p>This research report on Finnvera’s impact sets forth to find answers to the following research questions: (1) “How does Finnvera generate impact, and on what?” and (2) “What is Finnvera’s impact?” ... -
Meningsstruktur i två läroboksserier för svenskundervisning på högstadienivå
Svenskan i Finland