Viimeksi syötetyt Rinnakkaistallenteet
Aineistot 981-1000 / 19206
Toward Sustainable Wellbeing: Advances in Contemporary Concepts
<p> Sustainability and wellbeing are two key global policy priorities, which despite considerable overlap, are invariably isolated. In wellbeing, the importance of social dimensions is an emergent conclusion, but recognition ... -
Elinvoimaa puutarhasektorin uudistumiseen ja kasvuun : Voimakas-hankkeen (2015–2017) tulokset, johtopäätökset ja toimenpide-ehdotukset
Luonnonvara- ja biotalouden tutkimus -
Exploring pre-service special needs teachers’ assessment conceptions and assessment self-efficacy
<p>This survey study (N = 148) investigates the interrelationships between assessment conceptions, assessment self-efficacy, prior education, and teaching experience amongst Finnish pre-service special educational needs ... -
Surgical Treatment for Colorectal Cancer Partially Restores Gut Microbiome and Metabolome Traits
<p>Accumulating evidence indicates that the gut microbiome and metabolites are associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the influence of surgery for CRC treatment on the gut microbiome and metabolites and how it ... -
Effect of 12-month intervention with lipid-based nutrient supplement on the physical activity of Malawian toddlers: a randomised, controlled trial
<p>Physical activity is beneficial for children’s well-being. The effect of dietary supplementation on children’s physical activity in food-insecure areas remains little studied. We examined the effects of a lipid-based ... -
Crosslinguistic effects at the conceptual level: How cognitive linguistics can inform transfer research
<p>This paper attempts to offer a state-of-the-art review of recent works that address crosslinguistic influence at the conceptual level from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. The recent interest in and growth of ... -
Effect of Hydrolyzed Infant Formula vs Conventional Formula on Risk of Type 1 Diabetes : The TRIGR Randomized Clinical Trial
IMPORTANCE Early exposure to complex dietary proteins may increase the risk of type 1 diabetes in children with genetic disease susceptibility. There are no intact proteins in extensively hydrolyzed formulas.OBJECTIVE To ... -
Fast conversion of scFv to Fab antibodies using type IIs restriction enzymes
<p> Single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody libraries are widely used for developing novel bioaffinity reagents, although Fab or IgG molecules are the preferred antibody formats in many final applications. Therefore, ... -
The right-side perceptual bias in aging determined in a laboratory setting and during a virtual driving task
Spatial perceptual rightward bias which was originally described in Dichotic Listening studies seems to be a general phenomenon. This bias is age dependent, being evident in children with developing executive functions, ... -
Täysparlamentarismin ja suoran demokratian yhdistämisen tuska - Kansalaisaloiteinstituution kehittämisehdotusten arviointia
<p>Kirjoituksissa arvioidaan julkisessa keskustelussa ja eduskunnassa esitettyjä kehittämisehdotuksia suomalaiselle kansalaisaloiteinstituutiolle. <br /></p> -
High school students' inquiry based collaborative learning in virtual marine science laboratory
Ainedidaktisia tutkimuksia -
Trends of Precipitation and Temperature in Morogoro Region in Tanzania
<p> </p><p><b>Abstract </b></p> <p><b> </b></p> <p>Climate changes can seriously affect the environment and rural communities, water availability, health, food security, biodiversity, and agricultural production. ... -
Ecological conditions alter cooperative behaviour and its costs in a chemically defended sawfly
The evolution of cooperation and social behaviour is often studied in isolation from the ecology of organisms. Yet, the selective environment under which individuals evolve is much more complex in nature, consisting of ... -
Alexithymia, body mass index and gestational diabetes in pregnant women — FinnBrain birth cohort study
<div><h3>Objective</h3><p>Overweight, obesity, and associated problems in metabolic health are an increasing public health concern. Personality traits and emotional processing styles may play a role in the regulation of ...