Viimeksi syötetyt Rinnakkaistallenteet
Aineistot 881-900 / 19207
Physical, social, and symbolic environment related to physical activity of older individuals in long-term care: A mixed-method systematic review
<p>Background: Being active in old age is vital for health and well-being. Inactivity decreases functional ability, mo-bility, and increases care dependence and risk of falling. Worryingly, older individuals in long-term ... -
Leveraging supply chain networks for sustainability beyond corporate boundaries: Explorative structural network analysis
<p>The ability of companies to achieve systemic sustainability goals is influenced by the structure of the larger supply chain network in which they reside. However, managing sustainability throughout multi-tiered global ... -
Kokeilijoita, alanvaihtajia, etsijöitä ja etenijöitä – Urasiirtymät luokanopettajan työstä muille aloille
<p>Työurat ovat kehittymässä yhä monimuotoisemmiksi, ja käsitys vakaasta työurasta tavoiteltavana päämääränä on kyseenalaistettu. Luokanopettajan työ on Suomessa tavoiteltu professio, ja perinteisesti sitä on pidetty yhtenä ... -
Attitudes toward global and national climate policies in Finland - The significance of climate change risk perception and urban/rural-domicile
<p>This paper examines public support for global- and national-level climate policy instruments in Finland, and the ways urban/rural-domicile and climate change risk perception predict people's attitudes toward climate ... -
An outline of future-oriented dialectics: Conceptualising dialectical positions, trajectories and processes in the context of futures research
<p>The paper outlines a dialectical approach to analyse societal tendencies by emphasising future tensions, contradictions and antagonisms. First, the theoretical baseline of the approach is a commitment to the basic tenet ... -
Fecal microbiota composition is related to brown adipose tissue F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in young adults
<p>Objective <br></p><p>Human brown adipose tissue (BAT) has gained considerable attention as a potential therapeutic target for obesity and its related cardiometabolic diseases; however, whether the gut microbiota might ... -
Pim-1 kinase phosphorylates RUNX family transcription factors and enhances their activity
<h4>BACKGROUND:</h4><p>The pim family genes encode oncogenic serine/threonine kinases which in hematopoietic cells have been implicated in cytokine-dependent signaling as well as in lymphomagenesis, especially in cooperation ... -
Whole blood based point-of-care assay for the detection of anti-pertussis toxin IgG antibodies
Current serological diagnosis of pertussis is usually done by ELISA to determine serum specific anti-pertussis toxin (PT) IgG antibodies. However, the ELISAs are often central-laboratory based, require trained staff, and ... -
Steroidogenic factor 1 (NR5A1) induces multiple transcriptional changes during differentiation of human gonadal-like cells
<p>Nuclear receptor subfamily 5 group A member 1 (<em>NR5A1</em>) encodes steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1), a key regulatory factor that determines gonadal development and coordinates endocrine functions. Here, we have established ... -
Serum metabolites associated with wholegrain consumption using nontargeted metabolic profiling: a discovery and reproducibility study
<p><b>Purpose </b>To identify fasting serum metabolites associated with WG intake in a free-living population adjusted for potential confounders. <br></p><p><b>Methods </b>We selected fasting serum samples at baseline from ... -
Mangrovian Encounters between Epistemologies of the South and New (Feminist) Materialism
<p>With the increased interest sparked across academia in both new materialism and epistemologies of the South, old colonial and patriarchal habits rear their vicious heads. On the one hand, feminist contributions are, in ... -
Long-term changes in sense of coherence and mortality among middle-aged men: A population -based follow-up study
Sense of coherence (SOC) scale measures one's orientation to life. SOC is the core construct in Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health. It has been shown that weak SOC correlates with poor perceived health, low quality ... -
Effects of Atrial Ischemia on Left Atrial Remodeling in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
<p>BACKGROUND<br></p><p>Adverse left atrial (LA) remodeling after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has been associated with poor prognosis. Flow impairment in the dominant coronary atrial branch (CAB) may ... -
Comparison of biomass and deoxynivalenol production of northern European and southern European Fusarium graminearum isolates in the infection of wheat and oat grains
The 3ADON chemotype of Fusarium graminearum predominates in northern Europe, whereas the 15ADON chemotype is predominant in central and southern Europe. Therefore, it has been suggested that there are two F. graminearum ... -
Representation theorem for convex nonparametric least squares
We examine a nonparametric least-squares regression model that endogenously selects the functional form of the regression function from the family of continuous, monotonic increasing and globally concave functions that can ... -
Synonymous Codons and Hydrophobicity Optimization of Post-translational Signal Peptide PelB Increase Phage Display Efficiency of DARPins
DsbA leader peptide targets proteins for cotransla-tional translocation by signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway and has been the standard signal sequence for filamentous phage display of fast-folding Designed Ankyrin ... -
Genome-wide association analyses of physical activity and sedentary behavior provide insights into underlying mechanisms and roles in disease prevention
Although physical activity and sedentary behavior are moderately heritable, little is known about the mechanisms that influence these traits. Combining data for up to 703,901 individuals from 51 studies in a multi-ancestry ... -
Poliisien tulkintoja suostumuksesta ja seksuaaliväkivallasta nuorten seurustelusuhteissa
<p>Artikkelissa tarkastellaan seksuaali- ja väkivaltarikosten esitutkinnassa työskennelleiden poliisien puhetapoja suostumuksesta ja sen määrittelystä nuorten seurustelusuhteisiin liittyneissä raiskausepäilyissä. ... -
One-Pot Transformation of Citronellal to Menthol Over H-Beta Zeolite Supported Ni Catalyst: Effect of Catalyst Support Acidity and Ni Loading
Citronellal was converted to menthol in a one-pot approach using H-Beta zeolite-based Ni catalyst in a batch reactor at 80 degrees C, under 20 bar of total pressure. The effects of H-Beta acidity (H-Beta-25 with the molar ...